Last July 17, 2011 CLAD INC had celebrated its 4th Anniversary being a young and only Non-Government Organization operating in the Municipality of Calubian. Simultaneous with the affair is the conduct of the family day which was being celebrated not only by the officers and staff of CLAD but also by the members of the different cooperatives and associations which were organized and assisted by CLAD.
The following day-long activities were conducted; a holy mass which was sponsored by the group, parade around town which was participated by the nine old and four new cooperatives and associations including the five BEC communities which were under the micro-finance group. An opening program was held with Hon. Doroteo N. Palconit, the Municipal Mayor serving as the guest speaker who showed astonishment upon seeing the big crowd who participated the event.
After the festive lunch break, a program called "CLAD GOT TALENT" showcasing the talented members of CLAD Family was held. Different talents were being presented with the talents from Villanueva Credit Cooperative emerged victorious.
Since one of the highlights of the affair was a fund raising raffle promo, every after the presentations tickets were drawn to determine who among the participants were lucky enough to win fabuluous prizes. There were plenty of prizes ranging from five each of the following items; DVD players, cellular phones, rice cookers and desk fans which served as the consolation prizes. The major prizes include washing machine and refrigerator for the third and second prizes, respectively while HONDA XRM 125 motorcycle as the first prize. A member from the Calubian Agri-Products Producers Coop in the person of Mrs Grace Capucao was the luckiest among the participants who went home with her the motorcycle.
After the presentations, everyone shared their time in merrymaking and dancing until the evening engulfed the entire surroundings. The event was really worth remembering and a very successful one.
The Month of July was considered by the CLAD organizers as the lucky month for CLAD since management of DISOP Philippines announced to the group the approval of the CLAD proposed Phase III project which shall be focused to the development of the northern barangay organizations. This Phase III project has given the Calubian NGO an assurance for funding support from DISOP Belgium for the next three years specifically from 2011-2013.